Anne Anastasios has been working in the insurance industry since 2006, starting as an ARN for CGU and Resilium. She joined the MHL team in August 2016, which subsequently merged with Adroit.
Anne is a valued member of the Gippsland Team and takes great pride in managing her Commercial portfolio. She is dedicated to building strong relationships with her clients and consistently strives to provide the highest level of service.
Anne is also deeply committed to community service. Since 2002, she has been a Guide Dog puppy raiser, proudly seeing three of her pups graduate to become working Guide Dogs. Additionally, she has been involved with Mick’s Kitchen in Traralgon, cooking meals for disadvantaged families on a monthly basis until the onset of COVID-19. More recently, Anne organized a ‘Share the Dignity – It’s in the Bag’ handbag drive in her office, resulting in 25 filled bags being donated to the charity.
AR no:1302189
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