Your Community is Our Community


We champion our community by willingly giving of ourselves, our time and our resources to local not-for-profit projects and initiatives. We are advocates, supporters and investors in fundraising, volunteering, donations and local sponsorships.

To date we have raised over $2 million for the Victorian community from our own and co-organised events. We value our relationships with our communities, and as locals we have a vested interest in seeing them thrive.

We are proud of the work we have achieved to date and continue to strive to make a difference in the arenas where we work and live.

  • 400+

    Hours of Volunteering

  • $165,000

    In Local Sponsorship

  • $190,000

    In Fundraising

  • $27,000

    Donated to Local Charities and Community Organisations

Volunteering is one of our key community investment pillars. We believe immersing yourself in community benefits your health and wellbeing. We have long encouraged our staff to get involved. In 2014, we implemented our volunteering policy allowing each team member at least one paid day per year to volunteer, either for a cause they personally feel passionate about or in the one of the many volunteer opportunities our community partners offer during the year.

Community Partners

Community Partnerships

Geelong Community Foundation

The Geelong Community Foundation, is a local, independent, not-for-profit organisation. They exist to make a positive and lasting difference to people in the Geelong Region. The Foundation supports the people of the City of Greater Geelong, the Borough of Queenscliff, the Surf Coast Shire and the southern part of Golden Plains Shire.

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Border Trust

Border Trust is the Community Foundation for the local government areas of Albury, Federation, Greater Hume, Indigo, Towong and Wodonga. Grants are provided annually to fund projects and programs for the benefit of these communities. The Trust has been providing grants to community and not-for-profit organisations in the region since 2005.

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Ballarat Health Services

Ballarat Health Services Foundation is the community fundraising arm of Grampians Health Ballarat. Their purpose is to ensure the community receives world-class healthcare in Ballarat. Grampians Health Ballarat strives for excellence in healthcare and to improve the health and well-being of people living in Ballarat and the Grampians Region.

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Community Sponsorships

Sporting Club Sponsorhips